Thursday, July 23, 2009


Lori Anne has been wanting curly hair. In fact she says she wants it to be curly forever. Last night we tried rolling it. Of course it took longer than 5 minutes to roll which in her opinion is an eternity. She looks like an ole granny with all these rollers in her hair.
This morning when we took the rollers out, I don't think it was quite how she expected it to be. She said it was nice and she'd wear it but she wants her hair to be straight again. Hmmm........sounds like something I would say =o)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yesterday afternoon Lane wanted to draw on the sidewalk with chalk. This is something Lori Anne does on a regular basis but not Lane so I was kinda surprised. He drew the sweetest picture of our family.
He asked me to draw with him. As you can tell, his drawing abilities are much better than mine =o)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Stick Family from

I found this website today and decided to create our family. Ok,ok I know I was at work but there was nothing to do. Is that still considered goofing off?

Monday, July 20, 2009

"not MY child" Monday

McMama's blog is hosting a "Not My Child" Monday. I've never played along before but thought I'd give it a shot.
**** Lori Anne did not call me at work one day last week and tell me that she had just finished brushing the dog and cats teeth but not to worry because she didn't use my toothbrush. She did not then hang up before I could ask her whose toothbrush she did use.
**** Lane did not call me crying because his aunt wanted to take him to McDonald's for lunch and then to the park to play afterwards. What child would actually want to get a happy meal and play at the park? He was not whining saying that he just wanted to lay around and watch tv and that Lori Anne always got to do what ever she wanted to do and he never gets to do what he wants to do, that it was too hot outside, etc,etc,etc.....
**** Lori Anne did not loudly proclaim in the middle of refreshments at vbs that that boy was being "Mucho Naughty". She does not think that she can speak spanish fluently and I have not had to tell her repeatedly that we can only speak spanish at home and not in public
That's it for this weeks edition, I'm sure we'll have more to report next week (if I actually keep up with it) =o)


We had VBS at church this past week. Our theme was spiritual battle. During crafts the kids made their own armour. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth,
The shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and shoes of the gospel.
They learned how to spiritually arm themselves. I hope these lessons stick with them for a long time to come.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July...part II

Melissa snapped these photos last Saturday. I just saw them today and had to share. I think they're hilarious!
Especially this one of Lane.... what exactly is he doing? =o)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

World's Best Son

Last night before we went to bed Lane asked if I'd wake him up early. I told him of course I would but didn't he want to sleep late. No mam he said, I want to get up early so I can fix your breakfast. Of course I told him that he didn't have to do that but he insisted.
This morning I went to wake him up and asked if he wanted to keep on sleeping or get up. He told me that he still wanted to get up early. Awww, is this not the sweetest kid in the world! He wanted to fix scrambled egg sandwiches. Since I usually have plain ole raisin bran in the mornings, this was a treat. He scrambled the eggs.
Got the bread slathered with mayo.

We sat down together, just the two of us, and had breakfast. (That's his lemonade that he chose to drink, I had milk). We always have supper together but very rarely breakfast because I'm rushing about trying to get everyone ready, so this was a very special treat. See, I told you he was the World's Best Son =o)

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We had lots of fun on Saturday. We started it off by watching the new Ice Age movie (highly recommend it), then it was on to the Leaf River for a quick swim (thanks to Lori Anne who refused to follow proper water safety guidelines) and a visit with family, and then we travelled back to Hattiesburg where they took another swim at the pool and where we got to catch up with some more friends and family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Weekend Project

This weekend I hung these prints up in my dining room (please excuse the photos, they're not showing alot of detail). I ordered the prints off of eBay and bought the frames from Wal-Mart. The frames came with a white mat but it looked really blah with the pictures. After looking for and pricing new mats I came up with the idea to spray paint the ones I already had. What did I have to lose? I was going to toss these anyway so I decided to give it a try.
I really liked the end result and I bet you wouldn't even know they had been spray painted unless I told you. The biggest pain was getting them hung up evenly. (I'm not going to tell how many nail holes are behind those

And just in case you've been wondering what Rex has been up to...... all I can say is poor Rex. Yesterday he was wearing a t-shirt, under wear and shoes and then somehow he managed to end up in Lori Anne's doll house. I'm pretty sure he had a little help (ok, a LOT of help) with these things =0)