Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mother/Son Bonding

This past Friday Lane and I decided we wanted to do something fun together.This is what we came up with.
OK, before you ask.....NO my son is not wearing eye make-up (though I did question that myself when I first spotted him). They had a spring carnival at school on Friday and they did some face painting. When he closes his eyes it is supposed to look like another set of eyes. Lane informed me that this really freaked the other kids out. I let him choose where we were going to eat. He went back and forth between about 10 different restaurants and McDonald's. Little Tokyo's Hibachi Grill won (I really thought it was going to be McDonald's). He picked the lobster, it was very good and we always enjoy watching them cook.

Lane and I waiting for the game to start. (Are the eyes freaking you out?)

Southern Miss players getting ready to go on the field.

Not long after the game started Lane left me to see if he could catch a foul ball. I sat by myself for the rest of the game =0)

There were 2 home runs during the game, both by Bo Davis. It was pretty cool watching them sail over the scoreboard.
My little Southern Miss fan.

After the game they let the kids on the field to meet the players. Lane didn't catch a foul ball and one of the players noticed he didn't have one, so he went and got him one and signed it. I thought that was very sweet and Lane sure did appreciate it! He took the ball to school on Monday so he could show it off and tell everyone he went to the USM game.


  1. How fun! The eyes are a little freaky. I love hibachi places, too. I'll have to remember to offer that to Evan the next time we go out together. He hasn't been to one in a very long time!

  2. He's all boy thats for sure! I talked to your dad and Uncle Bill the same day they stopped by and visted you. :)
