Wednesday, April 29, 2009

College, maybe?

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm thinking I may possibly go back to school. This has been something I've always regretted not doing, something I've always wanted to finish. Once upon a time the plan had been that when Lori Anne started school that I would be able to return too. Well, things don't always go like we plan =0). Lately I've been thinking on it more and more. So I ask that you pray that if it's meant to be that God will begin to open doors and if it's not then that He'll take away my desire to attend. "What do I want to be when I grow up?", you may ask. Well, this is something I've struggled with too. I'd thought about becoming a teacher because I'd be able to spend more time with the kids and have summers off, etc... I'd thought about maybe respiratory therapy or some other 1 or 2 year program because I would be able to get my schooling out of the way quickly. But the more I thought on these things the more I realized that I just didn't want to do either of just wasn't for me. Soooooo, I think that I want to eventually earn a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology. Due to my current circumstances certain things would have to fall into place for that to happen. I have to work. And (because of a recent conversation with Lane) night classes are out. For the time being that leaves online courses as my only option. Thankfully my job is pretty laid back and I've already gotten permission from the owner that if I do begin school I can work on my classes here at the office (of course I realize that work comes first but like I said job is very laid back so this is my best option so far). I know that there are lots of online class options but I don't know if they'll be what I need to take. Honestly, there is so much I don't know about this whole process. The first step I'm going to take is filling out my application for FAFSA. If anybody has any advice for the second step (or just tell me what the second step is =0)) I'd be happy to hear it. I guess I feel like I've just been kind of floating lately and I feel the need to start paddling. Maybe this isn't the route I'm supposed to take, who knows? I guess time will tell. Keep me in your prayers.


  1. I will be praying for you about this. Keep me posted!

  2. I wish you the very best in whatever you decide! Remember my mother went back to school when she was 30 years old and had 3 children. It was tough but worth it in the end. Good luck!

  3. Just get started! The rest will work itself out.
