Lately I have been doing a little updating to the house. A few weeks ago I painted the living room (notice the new color in the background) and since I had moved all the furniture out I decided it was a good opportunity to wax the floors as well (notice the shine). WARNING........if you paint rooms or wax floors make sure the area is properly ventilated (even though it may not be recommended on the instructions and even though you don't even read the instructions until after you've finished and you begin noticing side effects). It's no big secret that my hair has blond highlights but what you might not also realize is that my roots are blond as well....LOL. I did not so much as crack a window while doing all this and the result was not pretty at all and included a doctors visit. After rest and medication I am doing much better and learned a valuable lesson in the process.....ventilate =0).
Now I'd like to let you know about the great deal I found. The entertainment center I had was large and literally falling apart. I decided that I wanted something smaller but it had to be cheap because I'm a cheapskate. I looked at Target and found this cabinet. It was originally 250 but on clearance for 170, still too much for me. I looked at Wal-Mart and found one that was 109 and ok but it wasn't really what I wanted and I didn't want to buy it just because it was lower priced. I thought and thought on it and 2 days later I went back to Target. I had decided that since it was on clearance and that there was only 1 left that I would talk to a manager and see if they would discount it any. I walked back to the aisle it was on and it wasn't there. WHAT!?! I scanned a couple other aisles and still couldn't find it. I saw an associate and asked where MY cabinet was. She said that they had cleared all the clearance stuff off the aisles and moved them to another location. I was off in search of my cabinet and when I found it guess what! It had been marked down again to the bargain price of 60!!! I was so thrilled! As many of you know these things do not come assembled, so guess who put it together all by their self, yep....that would be me =0)
Very cool on the entertainment center! It looks great! You have been quite busy! I am glad that you are feeling better, and hope that you remember that lesson about ventilation next time. ;)